How It Works
Reduce Inflammation.
Thermal imaging reveals that acupuncture reduces inflammation.
Increases Circulation.
Doppler ultrasound shows that acupuncture increases blood flow and circulation.
Prompts Brain Activity.
MRI readings demonstrate that acupuncture prompts observable changes in the brain.
What it does for you.
Improves Circulation
Acupuncture promotes blood flow to areas in the body that are stimulated.
Reduces Pain
Increases the release of endorphins and enkephalins which are the body’s innate painkillers.
Promotes Healing
Acupuncture stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system that allows the body to rest and repair itself. It is only in this state that the body will be able to heal.
Reduces pro-inflammatory markers or proteins in the body.
Balances Hormones
Influences the body’s biochemical response via the nervous system.